Do I have too many clothes?
Do I have too many clothes? How many clothes should I have? These are questions I am often asked. The great thing about the KonMari Method is that there is not a set number of items that you are allowed to have in your wardrobe. Whilst minimalism advocates living with less, the KonMari Method is about keeping and living with items you truly cherish. If your clothes bring you joy, keep them with confidence and wear them proudly.
Now having said that, there is a disclaimer. You must consider the space you have and ensure your clothing fits comfortably into your existing storage.
To assess whether you do in fact have too many clothes, here are 9 questions I challenge you to ask yourself.
Do I have too many clothes?
Take this little quiz to find out!
1. Do you open your wardrobe and feel overwhelmed or stressed by your clothes? Scientists have discovered that visual clutter raises our cortisol levels, a primary stress hormone. This can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed, depression and in some cases anxiety.
2. Do you have a wardrobe full of clothes but can’t find anything to wear? Do you find yourself standing in front of your stuffed wardrobe thinking ‘I have nothing to wear’? The trouble with too many clothes Is our brain gets overwhelmed and exhausted with the smorgasbord of clothes on offer, impairing our decision-making ability.
3. Do you have trouble finding clothes in your wardrobe that you know you own? Have you fallen into the trap of layering several items on 1 clothes hanger to make sure you fit everything in? This is a sure fix way to ensure items are hidden and forgotten.
4. Do you have clothes that you haven’t worn in the last 12 months? Statistics would indicate you are unlikely to wear them.
5. Do you forget what you own and buy duplicates? Confession time- I remember shopping for a desperately needed black long-sleeved top. When I KonMaried my wardrobe I found 7 long-sleeved black tops.
6. Do you have clothes that don’t fit you? We often hold on to ‘goal’ clothes, those clothes that are currently too small for us but we are aiming to get back into them. Now, if you have these and they are motivating you on your weight loss journey-fabulous, keep them and display them proudly, ready to wear. However, if they feel like a weight, and are not motivating you, then get rid of them now! If the day comes when you return to that size, celebrate with a new outfit!
7. Do you have clothes with tags on? I’m embarrassed to say I had a number (actually a large number) of these items. I kept them purely because of the money I had spent. But in reality, this money was gone, and I was never going to wear these outfits.
8. Do you having trouble closing your wardrobe doors or drawers? Need to use a bit of force to get them closed? I recall my spare bedroom wardrobe had a ‘faulty catch’, such that I had to put the full force of my body against the door to make sure it stayed closed. After decluttering, surprisingly the ‘faulty catch’ fixed itself and the door now closes snuggly.
9. Do you have to store clothes elsewhere as you can’t fit all your clothes in your wardrobe? So perhaps you have them piled up around the house, in the spare bedroom wardrobe, in your gym bag, in the laundry, at your office, at your parent’s home, in the car, in suitcases, in vacuum sac bags, in a paid storage locker! (I know all the spots to sneak your excess clothing)!
How did you go in the quiz?
If you found yourself answering YES to more than 1 of these questions, then it is an indicator that you have too many clothes. It’s time for you to take control of your clothing and KonMari your wardrobe. Review ALL of your clothes and check that you are only keeping those clothes that do spark joy, add value to your life, and of course that you are wearing.
The time you spend curating your wardrobe will be worth it! You will feel lighter, getting ready in the morning will be a breeze, and you will save yourself a whole lot of money! Give it a go. I’d love to hear how you go!
Need some help? Then check out my services. I provide a free discovery call, in-home services and an on-line group coaching program.