“I could not recommend this service more. I am so happy with the changes I have made in my home.” ~ Kelly.
Mel has transformed my life - I am not forever looking for things! I can clearly see anything without any fuss or stress!
All throughout my home, items now have their spot - clothing can easily be found and after washing quickly returned and containers have their lids!
When I shop now I consciously go through the process ‘Do I really need this?’ ‘Does it spark joy?’ It has made decision-making a breeze!
Mel is very passionate about making your life easier with day-to-day things- it is all about what YOU want and your vision! She gently guides you through the sentimental journey which leaves you with the ultimate decision. Mel has a caring and easy-going nature and if you are struggling with any area that you are working on she is just a phone call, text, or zoom call away to get you back on track!
I felt the whole process quite cleansing and thoroughly recommend Mel to be your guide through the KonMari Method.
~ Jen
If I hadn’t done it myself I wouldn’t believe the changes that it could make. After completing the process, I am amazed at the way it has enhanced the appearance of my house. Who would have thought opening the kitchen pantry and seeing everything neatly organised could give me a feeling of ‘joy’.
Having Mel there to work through each segment with me made it an enjoyable experience. Her calm and sensible demeanor and well-placed questions kept me motivated, focused, and on track. And having a zoom catch-up with others going through the same process was a nice touch and a great way to bounce ideas off each other.
General tidying is so easy now and even my daughter finds unpacking the dishwasher fun. It feels like we are putting the dishes back on display, not trying to fit them into overflowing, disorganised cupboards. On top of feeling organized, the money saving is an added bonus. Being able to see everything easily from clothes in my wardrobe to food in the pantry reminds me of what I have and what i really need. There is no more buying excess items because I thought I needed them or didn’t know I already had it. It has made making my weekly shopping list a whole lot easier too.
I could not recommend this service more. I am so happy with the changes I have made in my home that I am now working on incorporating them into my work life too. ~ Kelly
I have always been someone who has kept my house looking visually perfect….on the outside. Once the cupboard doors, wardrobes, and drawers were open, well, that was a whole different story! That revealed the personality of someone who couldn’t make decisions, who over-shopped, who appeared to enjoy living in ‘hidden’ clutter, and who couldn’t keep to a budget (umm, budget? what budget?). I was out of control.
It was only when I started Mel’s KonMari makeover, that I realised I needed to change. Mel was AMAZING! I couldn’t believe her patience as I went through mountains of clothes, shoes, bags, linen, paper, toiletries, etc, holding onto each individual item to see if it sparked joy. She listened intently as I told stories of how some of the items had come into my possession. It really helped me to make the decision whether the item sparked joy for me or whether it was time to allow someone else to treasure it. I couldn’t believe how much I don’t need and didn’t wear or had never used.
While it was a little overwhelming at times to place everything in a big pile at the start of each category, it was worth it for the pride I felt at how neat and tidy everything looked at the end of the process. I actually felt light and free. Mel’s caring nature and supportive guidance made the world of difference. I honestly don’t believe I could have done it without her help.
My house is now visually perfect inside and outside the cupboards.! I am no longer hanging on to clothes I was never going to wear or buying clothes I don’t need. And instead of fearing house guests would open my cupboard doors, I am now parading guests through my house to show off my new folding regimes and impeccably tidy drawers. Mel is the best! ~ Joy M.